Friday, December 16, 2011

LD22: I'm in!

This weekend, I'll be taking a break from the super-duper-top-secret project I have been working on to give this Ludum Dare thing a whirl. For no other reason than to possibly come up with something new and different and cool, which as good enough a reason to me as any. Hopefully there is no rule against declaring oneself "in" just 15 minutes before the official start of the compo.. :) Even so, it'll be fun to give this "make a game in 48 hours" thing a try and see what happens.

Tools I will most likely be using to at least some extent, because I use them for my other stuff:
* Unity3D
* 3DSMax
* Audacity
* Bfxr
* Perl
* MonoDevelop
* Unityscript (JS, maybe a little bit of C#)

The game will be about..whatever the theme voting says it will be about, which I'll find out shortly and probably post a bit about in a bit.

Thanks for stopping by, and to everyone in the competition, good luck!

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