Friday, December 3, 2010

Army of One

Right now, I'm doing everything myself here. I'm not even working with any contractors at this point, although I do anticipate doing so at some as-yet-undetermined point in the future.

1) The framework for doing so just is not in place. While I do have an idea of what will be needed to execute a contract agreement effectively, the means for doing so just aren't in my hands - yet. I'm a cook with a recipe but short a couple of key ingredients.

2) Working on my own is a very valuable experience. I'm able to really see what my limitations are instead of arbitrarily imposing them on myself. While eventually I will be delegating everything to other people, I always think it is a good idea to understand at least a good chunk of the work that is to be delegated, to walk in the shoes of my future employees. :)

3) It's cheaper. I'm on a super tight budget for now, and the cheapest hire is no hire at all. Yes, I understand that time is money, and the time I spend doing work that could be delegated for a modest sum can be just as costly, if not more so. This obviously imposes some fairly severe limitations as to what I'm able to do within the timeframe I have to execute; however, I'm finding some creative solutions to this challenge.

Of course, this does mean that it will take a little bit longer for me to produce a finished product than if I were working with a team, but I think I've got it figured out such that I can make it work for at least my first release or two. Once I get a game or two out there that really prove the whole concept of what exactly I'm doing, then we can start talking about delegation and bringing more people into the picture.

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